Rules & Regulations
- Check your child's school diary every day. Teachers remarks should be noted and signed.
- Enquire about your child's progress at least every month with the concerned teacher.
- Parents should encourage the students to take part in the co-curricular activities.
- Parents should send their children in the specified school uniform and on time.
- Our school P.E.T Teachers will check the uniform at the gate entrance. Please ensure students have a decent haircut style and it’s maintained on regular basis.
- Late comers will not be permitted into the school. A fine of Rs.50/- will be collected for uniform defaulters and late comers after a due warning. (Three times)
- Parents are advised not to give excess money to students. Advise the students not to buy and eat from outside vendors, as it is very unhygienic.
- We are very happy to announce that we will have a in house canteen from this year (August). It will be a cashless canteen.
- Students are not allowed to wear or bring valuables like smart watches, gold ornaments, cameras & cell phone etc.
Use of foul language is not allowed inside the school campus.
Any student found using such language and Indulging in fight will be sent home or kept under suspension.
- A letter seeking permission from parents is necessary to avail leave. Half a day leave taking is not allowed. However, incase of emergency with prior permission from Principal half a day leave can be availed.
- Students of IX-XII should avoid taking leave on the previous day of the exam or break days. If he/she takes leave he/she will not be allowed to write other exams.
- Parents co-operation and involvement is mandatory for the improvement of discipline and academic progress of the ward.
- Parents can check the school skies for daily homework and other academic details.
- Parents should check their wards bag on regular basis and advise them to carry books according to the Timetable.
- Parents should avoid giving two wheelers to their ward. If spotted two wheelers will be seized and retained in the school and the students will be kept on suspension.
- Student of any class is not allowed to go home in the afternoon after writing the examination. If he/she goes the exam paper will not be corrected.
- Parents should attend the open day and PTA meetings with out fail.

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